Thursday, January 14, 2010

Interactive Learning Games Are There Any Types Of Video Games I Can Buy To Learn Spanish From?

Are there any types of video games I can buy to learn spanish from? - interactive learning games

I have a Nintendo DS Lite and I checked the site and found nothing. I know I'm the first person to think about learning an interactive video game.



Ansre Man! said...

Nuthing in ninetindo dood. intrenet passes!

Mystery Person said...

Not on the DS. You can with these websites and this girl gave you or a few PS2 games that you can choose the language. I like the Ghost Recon game.

salsera said...

Nintendo, no Internet, yes.

A site with games:
You can search by topic and the name of your manual. There are many types of games.

You can also try to find the name of his textbook on Yahoo. Sometimes companies have textbooks Flashcards electronic or other games.
This site will help you with verbs!

Try also the website of McDonald's in Mexico, Argentina and Spain. This gives you an idea of what kind of meals are served in Spanish-speaking countries.

Sanborn is a little more than a website exclusive shopping. They have a chain of restaurants with upscale shops at the front. You can scroll through them to know how they say words to the acquisition.

There are also Wal-Mart Puerto Rico

Yahoo may also apply to an international and surf on the websites of the various Spanish speaking countries. I do not know at what level of Spanish is STUDYINg, but I only watch the news and see if you can get the gist of them.

Buena suerte (good luck).

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