Sunday, January 24, 2010

Metastasis More Condition_symptoms What Is The Difference Between A Cancerous Tumor And Metastasis?

What is the difference between a cancerous tumor and metastasis? - metastasis more condition_symptoms

Metastatic spread ... End of May to infections and malignant cells. A cancerous tumor is a localized mass of malignant cells. The metastatic cells occurs when certain tumor cells and in the blood or lymph and travels to other sites released in the body, the formation of new tumors in other organs and tissues. When this happens, the diagnosis of cancer metastases. In some cancers, like breast cancer can be removed lymph nodes and a biopsy of the presence of malignant cells, suggesting metastasis through the lymphatics of the primary tumor in the breast.


Denisedd... said...

Metastasis is when cancer cells detached from the tumor of origin and settled in another region of the body and begins a new tumor is present. A cancerous tumor is a cancerous growth, the primary tumor or May of metastasis.

Denisedd... said...

Metastasis is when cancer cells detached from the tumor of origin and settled in another region of the body and begins a new tumor is present. A cancerous tumor is a cancerous growth, the primary tumor or May of metastasis.

goldie_1... said...

Metastasis means that the cancer spreads from itself. Cancer in early May in the intestine and liver metastases. News If the cancer has spread is not at all well, and could be hidden elsewhere. simply not detectable.

goldie_1... said...

Metastasis means that the cancer spreads from itself. Cancer in early May in the intestine and liver metastases. News If the cancer has spread is not at all well, and could be hidden elsewhere. simply not detectable.

SUSAN M said...

A cancerous tumor is an isolated place, beginning at the cancer, such as lung or colon cancer. Metastasis is when it extends to another location. Metastasis is usually a very bad sign: (

EMT-B said...

Metastasis is the spread of the disease, like cancer.

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