Saturday, January 16, 2010

Radio Controlled Fire Engine Why Am I Getting This Wrong? Im Confused?

Why am i getting this wrong? im confused? - radio controlled fire engine

A (a) 6900 kg rocket traveling at 3700 m / s
move freely in the space of a journey
the moon. The auditors found
The rocket veered off its path and
radical change of course must make up 12 shots ◦
Moon. Electric motors controlled by radio-rocket
locally increased (ie as a single film --
LET) in a direction perpendicular to
Rocket motion. The gases are expelled (ie
the CAP) at a speed of 4900 m / s (compared to
the rocket).
What is the mass of the gas must be removed to
Course correction needed? Response Units
In the real world, the gas is not exhausted
in a burst of short duration like a ball of gas. The
Gas is produced during a period of molecular
Assumption: The mass of the gas is much less
The mass of the rocket.
In the realistic situation, what mass of gas
must be removed to initiate the necessary
Correction? Answer in units of kilograms.

I think that is 214.54 kilograms for the first questionpparently wrong and I have not the second. Please help.


Steve H said...

To keep the rocket on the "forward" component of the velocity, so the idea is perpendicular to the motion. Just add a component of the velocity of the hand, which makes an angle of 12 degrees relative to the speed of the total velocity vector of origin exist.

I need a hand to v

V / 3700 m / s = tan (12 degrees)

This means that v = 786.46 m / s. Now use conservation of momentum to find the mass of fuel. For the 6900 kg missile 786.46 m /) s off to the side (I need a fuel mass M in the opposite direction at a speed of 4900 m / s with the same amount of momentum. This requires

6900 kg * 786.46 m / s = m * 4900 m / s

IM = 1107.5 kg.

For the 2nd Part, I think we need to know a little more. If the direction of the thrust to remain perpendicular to the direction of the rocket when the rocket, or simply be directed perpendicular to the original motion of the rocket? I think what is provided of the 2nd Case.

Need fork with a little more ...

feanor said...

1) The sine law for
6900 * 3700 / sin 41 = x * 6140 / sin 12
x = (6900 * 3700 * sin 12) / (6140 * sin 41) = 1317.7

2) You are considered a problem ... As the rocket fire, changing the angle.

Ahmad said...

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