Monday, February 8, 2010

Letters To Pent House Will My Letter Get To South Korea If The Address Is Written In English?

Will my letter get to South Korea if the Address is written in English? - letters to pent house

I try to send a letter to my friend in South Korea, but do not speak Korean, and I can not write well. When I send the letter in the English language is my letter not to go home?


milwauki... said...

Yes, I have e-mails constantly upgrade their relatives in the United States. Most of the time the Post did not write anything on the envelope, but it happens a few times what they have. It is very rare. Make sure your address listed correctly and should be fine.

noah said...

Yes! My friend sends letters to his friend in South Korea all the time, and I'm pretty convinced that writing in English. I think the post office and went to Korea. Good luck!

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